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Master of Laws, or LLM, is a postgraduate law degree that gives an in-depth understanding of a given area of law through intensive research and a complete syllabus. It typically lasts 1-2 years. The LLM courses are aimed to provide an overview of fields such as judicial proceedings, trademarks, international conventions, constitution, torts, family law, trademark law, and so on, depending on the specialization chosen. It is the students who have the choice of opting for a LLM specialization in the area of law. An LL.M. will provide you with competence in a particular field of law. It is an excellent stepping stone towards a Ph.D. if you desire to pursue a career in academia. Choosing a specialty field, on the other hand, can be perplexing and is dependent on a variety of circumstances.

Factors affecting the choice of specialization

Here are a few things to consider before deciding on a certain field of expertise.

  • You must first decide whatever field of law most interests you. It will be critical when you have hundreds of pages of reading and writing to do. What area of law do you have a particular interest in? This will also make it easier for you to get into the desired LL.M. program because your enthusiasm for the program will shine through in your application.
  • Deciding upon a career goal is another crucial issue to consider. An LLM cannot be used as a means to an end. It should continue to be a means of getting you to wherever you want to go, even if that direction is simply educational curiosity.
  • Before deciding on an LL.M. program, think about your strengths. Your Master’s degree in law will not be easy. You will have the best chance of succeeding if you choose an area in which you thrive. The LL.M. program you choose will be impacted by your undergraduate course modules as well as the topic of your bachelor’s dissertation. It’s crucial to have some background knowledge, even if it’s only rudimentary, in the field in which you want to continue additional studies.
  • When picking an LL.M. specialization, the location is equally important to consider. Some colleges may not be highly regarded, yet they may offer great legal programs in specific areas. Furthermore, if you intend to work in the country where you complete your LL.M., you should look into where there are market needs and where your experience could be absorbed.
  • It’s also important to consider how the course is designed and assessed. Do you want to learn something practical or theoretical? You might be requested to assist a professor with research. This can provide intriguing work experience as well as a glimpse into what it’s like to work in academics.

Therefore, picking a specialization based on which topic is “attractive” at the time is an absolute no-no. Allowing yourself to be swayed by legal trends is not a good idea.

Is there any such term as the right choice of specialization?

When talking about the option of the right choice while choosing the specialization in LL.M., no straight-jacket formula lays down the foundation of the career choice of a particular individual. Rather, it depends on the variables such as competency, interest, job opportunities in that particular area of law, research options, etc.

When an individual completes his/her LL.B. and is keen to pursue his career in academics, having a post-graduate degree becomes a must. At this very crucial time, when a particular individual is surrounded by a lot of options, choosing the appropriate area of law for the specialization becomes extremely important.

Read here about NLU Delhi LLM program

Major areas of law to specialize in

With an LLM degree, one can focus solely on one industry and provide services in that field. Here are some of the best LLM specialization and programs available in India for a successful career:

Intellectual Property Laws: Intangible property like ideas, concepts, patents, trademarks, etc. are covered under the purview of IPRs. In today’s world, there are separate laws that intend to protect the IPRs which has given a rise in the specialization of IPRs as an LL.M. degree.

Read here about the GNLU Gandhinagar LLM program

Technology Laws: A few decades ago, technology law was also an antiquated, low-priority part of the legal system. However, India has become the world’s information and technology center, necessitating the creation of legislation to address the need of expanding technology in daily life. This topic, particularly the legal aspect, has regained its force in recent years. India today has a plethora of multi-million and billion-dollar tech firms that require legal protection as well. As a result, if you wish to pursue an LLM in Technology Law, you’re making a solid decision because you’ll be able to get a decent position, work with nice clients, and earn good pay.

Corporate Laws: Corporate law is concerned with all aspects of the operation of a corporation. Corporate lawyers investigate a corporation’s dealings, tax responsibilities, permits, and other key functions. Corporate entities also owe debts to the government, local governments, their employees, and their shareholders. As a result, corporations hire corporate lawyers or corporate law firms to handle all of the complexities and liabilities. Corporate lawyers are in high demand, and their pay packages are competitive. As a result, many lawyers with a bachelor’s degree are choosing to pursue a Master’s degree in corporate law.

Read here about HNLU Raipur LLM program

Gender Studies: Gender disparity is a heated topic in our country, and it continues to be so in other countries. Frequently, the inequity is fought in a court of law and requires legal action. Gender studies also have a variety of applications in terms of creating legislation, employment practices, and human resource policies, among other things. Gender studies encompass a wide range of issues. As a result, the number of lawyers pursuing an LLM in gender studies is increasing. Aside from the employment and remuneration options, the issue has a social aspect to it that appeals to many law students. As a result, gender study is a good subject to pursue your LLM.

Constitutional Law: The L.L.M. Constitutional Law program is a master’s degree in constitutional law. The course covers Indian constitutional law, including the definition and personality of law under Part 3 of the Indian Constitution, as well as fundamental rights to freedom and equality. Constitutional Law is bound by the constitutions, which establish a common foundation for government.

Criminal Laws: LLM in Criminal Law is a one- or two-year post-graduate program meant to improve expertise in academics and criminal law research by developing a grasp of legal principles. The curriculum provides students with an advanced understanding of current disputes in criminal law and criminal justice.

Read here about NLSIU Bangalore LLM program and read here about NALSAR Hyderabad LLM program

Alternate Dispute Resolution: Apart from the contemporary areas of laws, ADR is much more prevalent in today’s time as an option to opt out of the court system for dispute resolution. LL.M. in ADR gives a widened scope of arbitration, mediation, and other methods of ADR which have become the go-to options of the organizations to resolve disputes.


It would greatly benefit a law student’s life and career if he or she could find his or her ‘mojo’ for specialization while still in law school, and if they narrowed down their specialization for the ‘correct reasons.’ It is, however, easier said than done. Therefore, you’ll need to select whether you want to pursue a general LL.M. or a specialized LL.M. after you’ve decided on the type of LL.M. program you want to pursue. Tax law, international law, business law, and intellectual property law are among the most common LL.M. specializations, but many institutions also offer a variety of additional, even more, specialized possibilities.

Read here our analysis on LLM from NLU or non-NLU

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